The Ferrell Five

The Ferrell Five
Aug. 2009

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I need major blogging help.

I am looking at my blog trying to figure out how to add links and make it cute. I need help.  And lots of it.  Do they make a blogger for dummies book?  Because I need it.  So if anyone out there in the blogging world would like to help I would love you.

Please and Thank you.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

End of Summer

I can not believe that summer is coming to an end.  I can honestly say I am not ready to send the boys to school everyday.  This has been a busy summer and I have enjoyed the last couple of quiet weeks at home with the boys.  If you can have quiet in this house.

But since reality hits on Monday I could not be more excited about the new school year.  The boys will go to Mossman again this year. Yep that's right 3 years in a row at the same school.  Has to be a new record.  They have the best teachers this year.

 John is going into 4th grade and will have 2 teachers and will have to change classes.  He is very excited about that.  He has Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Ebarb.  Some of his buddies are in his class so it should be a great year.

Matthew is going into 3rd grade this year and he has Mrs. Goins.  You could tell from meet the teacher that she is excited about teaching and I am excited to share Matthew with her.  A few of Matthew's buddies are in that class as  well.  So prayers maybe needed for Mrs. Goins this year.

Jacob is in 1st and I can not believe my baby is in first grade this year.  He has Mrs. Given.  He is so excited about 1st grade.  I am not sure what he thought he was going to do after Kindergarten.  I'm not sure if he has any buddies in his class I am sure will find out tomorrow.

As for me I've been called to stay at home full time and raise these boys.  It is a great gift that I have been given by God and Clifton.  I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband that allows me to stay home and be a wife and a mother.  That in itself it a full-time job.

I am attaching a few pictures of a few things we did over the summer.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

We did it again.

Well we have moved again.  It's like a hobby of ours.  Most families just go out to dinner or the movies  when they are bored.  Not the Ferrell's we move.  This time we didn't go to far.  I tried to go to Iowa, but seeing how Clifton's job is still here we just moved literally across the street.  But I guess it had to be done.

We are getting settled and the boxes are getting unpacked as fast as you can with three boys in the house.  However the boys and Clifton have been gone all week and I have not been very productive.  It was to hard with a quiet house.

Instead I got caught up on Chick Flicks.  That seemed more fun and more important.  And who knew I missed so many.   I got to be a total girl this week, which is hard to do in this house.  I had lunch at a tea room, and dinner at The Melting Pot. And had a pedicure.  There was much more, and so exciting.  I am missing the boys and ready to see them tomorrow, but this was a fun girlie week.  I don't get that very often.

I am hoping we are all settled by the time school starts.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Week of VBS

We have finished VBS this week and what a awesome week it was.  It was amazing to see the work of Christ in all of the youth as they guided the younger kids through the week.  I was brought to tears several times as I saw Christ in each of my boys.

 John really bonded with his crew leader and I caught them in prayer several times.  I can not even explain the feelings that I had to witness that.  It was more powerful then words can say.

Here is a video from the church that shows some of what went on this week.

Matthew was caught just being happy and enjoying himself as Christ worked with in him.  I am so proud of the ways he was moved this week. Christ has a plan for Matthew and I can not wait to see what it is.

Jacob was having a good time.  Christ worked with him through song and dance.  Jacob had a great time and has his Bible Buddies he won't put  down.  I can not get the video of Jacob dancing to post, but I haven't given up and will continue to try.

As a mother I was truly moved to tears several times as I watched not only my boys but some of the others there.

I am one lucky mom.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Time Goes By

Wow!!! I can not believe it has been a month since I was last here.  So much has happened in the last month.  The Ferrell's have been busy, busy.  But then again I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sports has sadly come to an end.  I was so sad for baseball to be over.  Matthew's team came in 2nd place in the American League.  That was pretty amazing considering where they came from.  It was a rough start.  I am now on the Board of Directors for League City Little League.  I know what you are saying "Kalyn, what are you thinking?"  I guess I wasn't but I am excited anyway.  I love being at the ball park.  Which is a good thing seeing how all three boys are playing in the fall.

Enough about baseball. We now have a Webelos, Bear and Tiger in cubscouts.  Jacob is so excited to finally be able to be  apart of scouts and not just drug around.  We all went to Twilight camp last week in Santa Fe.  Clifton and I both volunteered and the boys all were campers.  John completed 2 of the required pins for his Webelos Super Achiever.  I think he is excited about this year.  As far as Matthew goes, well he is a Bear which means he can earn his Whittling Chip and be able to get a pocket knife.  So last weekend we went to buy his knife and he is a whittling fool.  I can not even begin to tell you how much soap is in the backyard.  He is one happy boy.

I have to brag on Matthew just one more time.  He earned straight A's for the year.  I am really proud of him.  He is hoping to have Mrs. Jeffcoat again next year.  She is going to third grade so we are keeping our fingers crossed.

John is going to be in 4th grade already. I am not ready for this.  I can not believe how fast it has gone.  I am wishing we can slow down time just a bit.  My baby will be in 1st grade. I am struggling the most with that one.  My Jacob is such a love and I hate that I have no more babies at my house.  But I also am enjoying every stage.

We have had VBS this week.  I wonder what next week will bring.

Friday, May 13, 2011

I think I am sad to say Jacob lost the first two games of tournament play and now the Raptors are done for the baseball season. That being said he did get the game ball last night and I have a very happy 6 year old. He made contact overtime to bat. But the coach gave him the game ball for his good attitude for always listening and doing what is told. I am really proud of the progress he had made since February. Jacob came along way.

Matthew has won the first two games of tournament. We don't play again till tomorrow. I am not sure how I will act not having to be at the ballpark tonight. His team has done really well. It is exciting watching my boys turn into such good little ball players.

John's last soccer game is on Saturday. I think he is going back to baseball in the fall. I secretly hope so. I am not telling him that I would him play baseball. Because we are at the age were we do exactly the opposite of what mom and dad say if we can get away with it.

I will keep you posted on how the games go, but for now I going sit and read since the boys are locked in the playroom and playing the wii. I wonder how long that will last.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Baseball Fever

I know that I said that I am ready for baseball to be over, however I need to retract that statement. Matthew has had 2 really great games the last two nights and I am not ready for it to be over. What will fill our evenings with. The last two games have been like watching real baseball. I am so impressed with what those boys can do.

I survived the Outdoor Experience last week. I think I ran almost 3,500 kids through the camp. Now that it is over all I can say is yes it was an experience.

Thanks for listening to me ramble. I am just so stinking excited about baseball.